Kings Cove Minutes 2-27-16

Kings Cove Neighborhood Association
February Meeting 2/27/2016
Michael Wasiluk- Secretary

Call to order-
-The meeting was called to order by President, Jim Hoffecker and seconded by Fred Hess.
– Jim Hoffecker, Robert Rogers, Mike Wasiluk, Don Melchiorre, Fred Hess, Doris Thompson, and Dennis Thompson were in attendance.

Financial report- Checking account- $11,448.27
Reserve- 118,773.89
Total $130,222.16

Old Business-
-Don Melchiorre proposed new budget. Budget modified and approved with no increase in fees.
-Dennis Thompson will e-mail Angerman about later start-up date for sprinkler system.
-Dennis Thompson will send letter regarding Jeep parked in driveway with kayak mounted upon it.
-Harbor Beach Cove road work is completed.
New Business-
-A replacement flag for our flagpole needs to be ordered.
-Violations committee will start violations inspection (Bill).
Next Meeting- April 30, 2016 9am