June Meeting Minutes 6/12/2016

Kings Cove Neighborhood Association

June Meeting  6/12/2016

Michael Wasiluk- Secretary 

Call to order-

  • The meeting was called to order by President, Jim Hoffecker.
  • Jim Hoffecker, Robert Rogers, Mike Wasiluk, Don Melchiorre, Bill Fiore, Doris
  • Thompson, and Dennis Thompson were in attendance.

Minutes- Minutes from the April meeting were approved.

Financial report-       Checking account-    $78,961.42

      Reserve-                    118,905.39

      Total                            $197,866.81

Old Business-

-Solar Panels: Diane Giangeruso met with the Board and requested approval for solar

panels at her property at 318 Gull Cove. After extensive discussion and a desire for more information the Board tabled the request at this time.

-Violations Committee: Bill presented a lengthy list of violations. The owners will be contacted by letter and asked to correct specified violations.

-Owners are also being asked to adhere to the color guidelines for our neighborhood properties. Information can be obtained at our website or by contacting the Board.

– Arrears: A general discussion was held regarding money owed to the Association and the progress we have made.

New Business-

            -A&L Committee: The Board needs to find 3 people for the A&L committee.

Next Meeting- Saturday July 16, 2016   8:30am

Annual Meeting- August 20, 2016 @ Brigantine Community Center
